About Us
Since 1821, Deer Creek Baptist Church has been gathering to worship God. We are seeking to be a people who live up to our name by understanding how much we need God's grace, and by extending it to each other and those around us. God's grace isn't for perfect people, which is why we can experience it and offer it to anyone. By His Grace, we seek to offer a place where those who need to know God can meet Him; those who need His healing touch in their lives can experience it in our fellowship, and those, who want to share His message can be equipped and encouraged to fulfill their calling. The goal of our church is to function as a family of God. Living by faith, we strive to be an authentic Christian community that seeks to be united by Jesus' command in John 13:34, "A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." As we live out this new command, the Holy Spirit empowers our lives and the life of the church.
There are three components that make up a healthy church:
1) Worship, which is lifelong, participatory and interactive;
2) Education, that teaches of God and His will for our lives; and
3) Service, so that each one of us may realize that we are uniquely gifted to serve others, both inside and outside this church community.
In a healthy church there are always differing levels of participation, dependent upon each individual's life cycle and spiritual journey. They are core leaders, who are involved in many aspects of church life, committed members who support the program and services of the church, and there are seekers who are actively looking for faith in their lives. Our church embraces all three types of people. We seek to nourish and support each other as we strive to serve Him who loved us enough. "...that he gave his one an only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have life." John 3:16
Guests are always welcome to visit and experience first hand our active family of God.